

Skitslickers Gig Review

Over at the Victims of a Bombraid blog, our main man Masken has posted a review of a Skitslickers gig that originally appeared in the Swedish fanzine Blaskan. The gig was on January 30, 1982, at a place called Rockers. 

Tony Gunnarsson translated it for me, in his words a "rough and ready translation":

Rawpunk at Rockers

Anti-Cimex in the MRR photo archives

Maximum Rocknroll has been posting some awesome stuff on their website lately to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the magazine. For example, you can download pdfs of some early issues, and there are reminiscences with people involved at very early stages of the magazine's history.

And then there's this.

Lovely Downtown Göteborg

Here's a great photo of three punks hanging out in the Haga neighborhood in Göteborg, circa 1983. Notice the poster hanging in the window.

Cimexleaks: The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth

This is the third installment of Cimexleaks. Check the previous ones here and here.

Before Anti-Cimex: Kloak, Avfall, Bombhot, Bohman Brinner

Serious fans of Skitslickers and Anti-Cimex may already know that there were at least four bands that included Tomas Jonsson before the classic bands were formed. These bands were Kloak, Bombhot, Avfall, and Bohman Brinner. But only recently, to my knowledge, has any documentation of the existence of the first two—Kloak and Bombhot—circulated among collectors.

Cimexleaks: Photo Dump

I previously posted that I would soon publish a Wikileaks style cache of Anti-Cimex photos sourced from an anonymous operative. Here it is!

1. This one you may have already seen. Recently revealed data suggest that the punk with GBH on his leather is Charlie of Anti-Cimex. The photo was taken at a Shitlickers gig.

Anti-Cimex Photos (teaser)

In advance of a Wikileaks-style dump of a cache of Anti-Cimex photos that I obtained from an anonymous source, here is a separate post with some photos recently auctioned on eBay.

The auction listing said:

I was lucky enough to see Anti Cimex play live in Birmingham in July 1986. I took my old 110 camera and took 4 photos of Jonsson.

Anti-Cimex living the life...

Here's a photo of Jonsson of Anti-Cimex hanging out in a squat in Gothenburg circa 1984. He's the guy on the left. Nearly everyone's face in this photo is turned away from the camera, so it's hard to tell what other band members might be in it. My guess is there's at least one Tattooed Copcock in there. Note the great Kaaos/Anti-Cimex/Disarm gig poster above Jonsson.

Jonsson Squat Photo

Thanks to Levi, who got this photo from Marko, who released the many incredible Delirium Tremens cassette compilations in the 80s and 90s. Further info about the photo would be appreciated. Anyone?

Skitslickers graffiti

Thanks to Tony Gunnarsson, who sent me a link, here is a photo of original Skitslickers graffiti painted on the wall of a squat in Gothenburg. The photo is from a scanned porno magazine, which published a report on the squat scene in the city in the early 1980s. The article also mentions Tattooed Copcocks (Tatuerade Snutkukar). Incredible find, I think.

Skitslickers graffiti

More photos of Shitlickers

Taken from the band's "official" Myspace page, here are three photos. This poor-quality live shot isn't as violent-looking as the live shot linked in a previous post, but it captures a certain energy nonetheless.

Shitlickers 1

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