
The Worst Cover Songs Ever, Appendix I

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Here are 15 more cover songs considered for inclusion in "The Worst Cover Songs Ever" that did not make the cut for various reasons, ranging from competence to tunefulness. Some are just too traditionally punk (Dirt Shit), rather than out to lunch; others veer toward bar-band nightmarishness (Youth In Asia). Actually Lili Z.'s homemade cover of Rondos stands out for fulfilling Shit-Fi criteria for awesomeness, with its pointed antisexist lyrics directed at her own fans, while also fulfilling the usual (shall I say bourgeois?) criteria. Beyond that, this tune deserves a mention because I was able to meet Lili in Rotterdam at the Rondos 30th anniversary retrospective party earlier this year, and we had a blast. Anyway, all of these covers are worth a listen as well, but I'll let you do the detective work to find them.

A64: Peter & the Test Tube Babies "Banned From the Pubs" (retitled "Moment")

Atrocious Madness: Disorder "Daily Life"

Besthöven: Shitlickers "Warsystem" (1995 version)

Dirt Shit: Rolling Stones "Jumping Jack Flash" (retitled "Der Letzte Dreck Von Wien")

ETA: Agent Orange "Bloodstains" (retitled "ETA")

HitlersS: Velvet Underground "We're Gonna Have a Real Good Time Together"

Homy Hogs: Beatles "Why Don't We Do It in the Road"

Hubble Bubble: Kinks "I'm Not Like Everybody Else"

Lili Z.: Rondos "System" (retitled "A Piece of Meat")

Mystifier: Bathory "Massacre"

Nekromantie: Hellhammer "Massacra"

Noise: Black Sabbath "Paranoid" (retitled "Hjälp")

The Sick and the Lame: Beatles "Eight Days a Week" (retitled "Ate Days a Week")

Struggle for Pride: Abraham Cross "Feeling in Soil 'Ghetto Anthem'" 

Youth in Asia: McCoys "Hang on Sloopy"

The Worst Cover Songs Ever

I've always had a predeliction for Lockjaw's version of Cliff Richards' "The Young Ones" (B-side of an unmemorable song, called (I think) "Radio Callsign", on Raw Records in (when else) 1977. Neither the 'singer' nor the 'musicians' seem to know the song, nor do they seem to be recording it in the same place at the same time. I feel like applauding when they all finish together, in the assumption that they had no access to post-production trickery to achieve that effect.

You only know what song it is because the words are bawled out well enough to hear them.

R Bishop


If you have read every issue of MRR from the 80s, you know about the extremely tantalizing Mississippi scene report that mentions The Men With No IQ's, a punk band composed of three Black men. It even has a photo of the band. If you're friends with a certain columnist for that magazine, you know that he has a copy of their record but won't tape it for you. 

In 2009, WFMU posted on their blog about the band, with two mp3s. That in itself is exciting. Check it out. Also, WTF is this?

This blog post, however, leads to something more exciting from the perspective of this article: a myspace page for the Skoalkans (as in the chewing tobacco?), who cover Black Flag's "Nervous Breakdown" in fine fashion. There really is no information about this band, but the cover speaks for itself. If it's from the mid-80s, it's awesome. If it's not, then you can ignore all of this. Not knowing the truth helps. There's a flyer for a gig with Skoalkans and Men With No IQ's (as well as Workin Muthas, who released a pretty obscure 12", and, uh, volleyball).

Bad Beatles Covers

What about No Labels' cover of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds? Or for that matter Jimi Lalumia & the Psychotic Frogs doing Eleanor Rigby, that song always ends up on my mix tapes :]

SPK: Metal Urbain “Panik”

Hiyall doin' out there ?
Just pointing out a little mini-error :
you write :
SPK: Metal Urbain “Panik”
This 1979 live version of “Panik” by French industrial-punk originators Metal Urbain surfaced first on a 10" bootleg limited to 27 copies
Actually it was - 6 = 21 copies.

A late entry from Australia

I had never heard of this Primitive Calculators side project until today: Ronnie and the Rhythm Boys. Also apparently a side project of Thrush and the Cunts. Check out their ultra-minimal and headache-inducing version of "Hey Joe." About as far as possible from the million-and-one versions of this song by hippies a decade earlier. Thanks to Wallaby Beat, probably my favorite blog nowadays.

A question

Why did you put Paranoid when is really obvious that this cover is recorded from a live concert with a casette of the 80's or something like that? Pure demagogy? I'm not sure, really.

If I'd known then what I know now

Earth-shattering discovery:

Check out this video of a Japanese pop (?) band called Salon Music playing a song called "Spending Silent Night." Then listen to "Spending Loud Night" by Confuse. It turns out that what I had considered to be among the most original contributions to the noise-core genre is actually a cover. It doesn't radically change my views on the song, and may actually confirm some of them in an unexpected way, but it's still noteworthy.

While I'm at it, I thought I'd share another totally shit-fi cover song, by A.C.X.O., one of Brazil's earliest hardcore punk bands. It's a version of "Friday on My Mind" by the Easybeats, played in an extremely stripped-down and rough style, sung in Portuguese. The mp3 source labels its title as "11 e 06" but I don't know what to make of that.


One more Stooges cover

Here's a treat: Attak from Barcelona covering "I Wanna Be Your Dog" in 1982.

Gracias por el mp3 a Edu Juvé y Fernando Herrera.

Great stuff

The article and installation is great.
Your analyzis is so true.
Good writing.
I miss Sid Vicious version of "My Way" in the list.
But maybe that would be a bit too obvious and not so creative.
Anyhow - It truly belongs on the list.
About the appendix part; I think that Hubble Bubbles (early
punkband where Plastic Bertrand played drums) version
of "I'm not like everybody else" is a more of a "Wire" cover
than a "Shit-Fi" cover. Homy Hogs version of "Why don't we do it in the road", on
the other hand, is just marvelous snotty "Shit-Fi" youngsterpunk.

some of my favourites

disorder - tied down (negative approach) from sliced punx on meathooks lp
dead moon - long way to the top (ac/dc) from destination x lp
dissober - grave new world (discharge) from sober way cd
mob 47 - couch slouch (d.r.i.) from v/a stockholms mangel cd (forgot where it came from originally)
private jesus detector - dom ljuger (mob 47) from the complete workz lp
frigora - rustning ar ett brott (mob 47) from 1995-1999 cd
dead noise - life (disorder) from high octane booze core cd-r

Tony Gunnarsson

Worst covers ever

I'm surprised that the Meat Puppets were not included in any of this - they are notorious for cranking out absolutely jarring cover songs (usually live); you can hear quite a few of them on suggest starting with their absolutely hilarious and totally crazed rendition of "Reach Out (I'll Be There) by the Four Tops:

...and then quickly follow that up with the WTFness that is their P-funk cover, here:

There are tons of other songs they've mangled over the fact, their 80's shows were often half mutant
covers and half originals.